Bintang Adipurna. The President of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian Presiden Republik Indonesia) is the head of state and government of the Republic of IndonesiaThe President leads the executive branch of the Indonesian government and is the commanderinchief of the Indonesian National Armed ForcesSince 2004 the president and vice president are directly elected to a fiveyear term.

Sebagai wakil presiden dan kemudian presiden Indonesia Habibie secara otomatis menerima semua Tanda Kehormatan Bintang (sipil maupun militer) dengan kelas tertinggi yaitu Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna (27 Mei 1998) Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipradana (12 Maret 1998) Bintang Mahaputera Adipurna (12 Maret 1998).
B. J. Habibie Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Diah Permata Megawati Setiawati Sukarnoputri (Indonesian [meɡawati sukarnɔputri] () born 23 January 1947) is an Indonesian politician who served as the fifth president of Indonesia from 2001 to 2004 She previously served as the eighth vice president from 1999 to 2001 Megawati is Indonesia’s first female president and the sixth woman to lead a Muslimmajority country.
Alasan Raja Salman Terima Penghargaan Bintang Adipurna Nasional Tempo Co
Salman dari Arab Saudi Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
President of Indonesia Wikipedia
Megawati Sukarnoputri Wikipedia
Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna dari Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo Indonesia (2017) Doktor Honoris Causa bidang Sejarah dan Peradaban dari Universitas Raja Saud Riyadh Arab Saudi (2016) Doktor Honoris Causa dari Universitas Kairo Kairo Mesir (2016) Doktor Honoris Causa dari Universitas Raja Abdul Aziz Jeddah Arab Saudi (2016).