Bumbu Botok Ikan. Roti canai is made from dough which is usually composed of fat (usually ghee) flour and water some recipes also include sweetened condensed milkThe dough is repeatedly kneaded flattened oiled and folded before proofing creating layersThe dough ball is then flattened spread out until paper thin (usually by “tossing” it on a flat surface) and gathered into a long ropelike mass.
Bak kut teh (also spelt bah kut teh Chinese 肉骨茶 Pe̍hōejī Bahkuttê Teochew Pe̍huējī Bahkuktê) is a pork rib dish cooked in broth infused with herbs such as dong quai cinnamon star anise and made with pork ribs dried shiitake mushrooms tofu puffs and garlic popularly served in Malaysia and Singapore where there is a predominant Hoklo and Teochew community.
Bak kut teh Wikipedia
Botok Ikan Bungkus Daun Mengkudu Kalbar Kalbar Budaya Indonesia
Roti canai Wikipedia