Careful Comparative And Superlative. Comparative Adverb Superlative Adverb quiet quietly more quietly most quietly careful carefully more carefully most carefully happy happily more happily most happily.
Adjective Part 1 Comparative And Superlative Adjectives from SlideShare
careful Comparative more careful Superlative most careful If you are careful then you do not take risks and are cautious you have care Edward had to be very careful when walking with the hot soup bowl in his hands because he could spill it and burn himself Synonyms cautious Antonyms careless Related words care carefulness carefully.
Comparative & Superlative
careful (comparative more carefulsuperlative most careful) Taking care attentive to potential danger error or harm cautious He was a slow and careful driver.
comparative and superlative of carefully
Comparatives and superlatives 1 In my opinion a deer moves graceful of all the animals Adjective comparative superlative long longer than the longest fast faster than pretty the prettiest beautiful more beautiful than ugly uglier than thin the thinnest fashionable more fashionable than 2 Definition example worksheet with pdf.
Comparative & Superlative
Adjectives with two syllables For adjectives with two syllables we generally use ‘more’ or ‘most’ careful → more careful / most careful bored → more bored / most bored But some two syllable adjectives can take ‘er’ or ‘est’ It’s also fine to use ‘more’ (for the comparative) or ‘most’ (for the superlative) clever → cleverer / cleverest.
Adjective Part 1 Comparative And Superlative Adjectives
Comparative and superlative of careful
Comparison of Adjectives: Positive, Comparative & Superlative
Degrees of Comparison Degree Positive Degree Comparative
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
careful Wiktionary
superlative form of friendly? What is the
What are the examples of comparative and superlative
What is the comparative of careful? Answers
Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives EFLnet
Forming Comparative and Superlative Adverbs EFLnet
What is the – AnswersToAll comparative for careful?
What is the comparative and superlative of careful
What is comparative and superlative degree of careful
careful Simple English Wiktionary
Adverbs Grammar Monster Comparative and Superlative
Comparative degree of careful
When 2 things are compared we use the comparative form when one thing is compared to a full category we use the superlative form These forms as you will see depending on the number of syllables in the adjective or adverb There are also other ways to make comparisons using other expressions Adjective.