Indian Apache Design. Woodland Indian families could build new wigwams every year when they set up their winter camps Longhouses Longhouses are Native American homes used by the Iroquois tribes and some of their Algonquian neighbors They are built similarly to wigwams with pole frames and elm bark covering The main difference is that longhouses are much much larger than.

The symbol of the Salt River PimaMaricopa Community is the Man in Maze an apt design for an Indian Community caught in the web of a burgeoning metropolitan pressures The legend which is taught to all PimaMaricopa children depicts the experiences which occur during the journey through the maze of life While negative events happen children are told that ultimately each.
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Aurora was also allowed to sell Indian design engines to third parties and pay Indian a fee After 1907 The models were Indian Chief Trailblazer Apache (all three were 700 cc twins) Tomahawk (500 cc twin) Woodsman (500 cc single) Westerner (500 cc single) Hounds Arrow (250 cc single) Fire Arrow (250 cc single) Lance (150 cc 2stroke single) and a 3wheeled.
Indian Americans Wikipedia
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Native American Homes: Wigwams, Longhouses, Tepees, Lodges
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