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Basilisk dalam mitologi yunani merupakan raja dari reptil ( serpent ) bila di deskripsikan berbentuk ular atau kadal dengan tonjolan tengkorak di dahi kabarnya siapapun yang melihat matanya akan tewas ( ada dalam sekuel harry poterr chamber secret )45 Goblin Goblin adalah sejenis makhluk supernatural/Jin yang muncul dalam dongengdongeng dan.
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The green basilisk lizard can run on water at about 5 feet (15 m) per second for 15 feet (45 m) or more according to National Geographic Their.
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National Geographic Green Basilisk Lizard
Some species like the common basilisk can run across water Senses Lizards make use of their senses of sight touch olfaction and hearing like other vertebrates The balance of these varies with the habitat of different species for instance skinks that live largely covered by loose soil rely heavily on olfaction and touch while geckos depend largely on acute vision for their ability to.