Lambang Monster. arm1 arm 1 (ärm) n 1 An upper limb of the human body connecting the hand and wrist to the shoulder 2 A part similar to a human arm such as the forelimb of an animal or a long part projecting from a central support in a machine 3 Something such as a sleeve on a garment or a support on a chair that is designed to cover or support the human arm.
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Abad Pertengahan dalam sejarah Eropa berlangsung dari abad ke5 sampai abad ke15 Masehi Abad Pertengahan bermula sejak runtuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi Barat dan masih berlanjut manakala Eropa mulai memasuki Abad Pembaharuan dan Abad Penjelajahan Sejarah Dunia Barat secara tradisional dibagi menjadi tiga kurun waktu yakni Abad Kuno Abad Pertengahan.
Attitude (heraldry) Wikipedia
In heraldry an attitude is the position in which an animal bird fish human or humanlike being is emblazoned as a charge supporter or crestIt always precedes any reference to the tincture of that being or its various parts Many attitudes apply only to predatory beasts and are exemplified by the beast most frequently found in heraldry—the heraldic lion.
Candi of Indonesia Wikipedia
Noun 1 crossword a puzzle in which words corresponding to numbered clues are to be found and written in to squares in the puzzle.
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Arms definition of arms by The Free Dictionary
Crossword definition of crossword by The Free Dictionary
Abad Pertengahan Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
A candi (pronounced ()) is a Hindu or Buddhist temple in Indonesia mostly built during the Zaman HinduBuddha or “HinduBuddhist period” between circa the 4th and 15th centuries The Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language of the Language Center defines a candi as an ancient stone building used for worship or for storing the ashes of cremated Hindu or Buddhist kings.