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Jual Meepo Liquid Terlengkap Daftar Harga September 2021 Cicilan 0 from
Biography [] Johan was one of the youngest competitive Heroes of Newerth players in the world where he played the solo mid role After the switch to Dota 2 Johan took on the support role becoming well known for his performances as Chen and WispIt was during this transition he quickly developed his micromanagement skills leading to his renowned Meepo play.
【Abed】TI6 IMBA米波 微操强无敌【JustWanPlayAGame】_哔哩 …
Biography [] w33 was born and raised in Romania with a Syrian father Apart from Romanian w33 is proficient in both English and Arabic He began playing DotA in 2004 switching over to Dota 2 in 2011.
Jual Meepo Liquid Terlengkap Daftar Harga September 2021 Cicilan 0
Liquid Fire Burn damage increased from 12/16/20/24 to 15/20/25/30 Macropyre Cooldown increased from 60 to 80/70/60 Juggernaut Blade Fury Damage increased from 85/110/135/160 to 90/115/140/165 Healing Ward Movement Speed reduced from 350 to 325 Talents Level 10 Talent +20 Movement Speed replaced with +75 Blade Fury Radius Keeper of the Light Base.