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Wayang also known as wajang (Javanese ꦮꦪꦁ romanized wayang) is a traditional form of puppet theatre play originated on the Indonesian island of Java Wayang refers to the entire dramatic show Sometimes the leather puppet itself is referred to as wayang Performances of wayang puppet theatre are accompanied by a gamelan orchestra in Java and by gender.
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Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 2 Subtitle Indonesia 11 Jan 2022 Posted Wibudesu Publish 937 Kategori Adventure Comedy Demons Fantasy OVA ONA Special School Slice Of Life Sinopsis Pada usia enam tahun dia mengalahkan raja iblis Sebagai penyihir kultivasi yang hebat Wang Ling harus menyembunyikan kekuatannya dan hidup di antara sekelompok siswa.
Wayang Wikipedia
Film menyentuh hati kita dengan cara yang berbeda apa pun genrenya seram dramatis romantis atau yang lainnya Begitu banyak judul begitu banyak pengalaman.
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RhymeZone: strong rhymes
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