Regional Planning In India. IntroductionTarget Area PlanningPlanning FactsIndia has centralized planning and the task of planning in India has been entrusted to the Planning Commission of IndiaPlanning Commission of India is a statutory body headed by the Prime Minister and has a Deputy Chairman and other membersHowever the Planning Commission of India is recently is now “National Institution for Transforming India” or simply NITI AayogThe planning in the country is largely carried out through the array of Five Year Plans In order to reduce the regional and social disparities the Planning Commission introduced the ‘target area’ and ‘target group’approaches to planningSome of the examples of target area planning directed towards the development of target areas are −The examples of target area planning are − the Small Farmers Development Agency (SFDA) and Marginal Farmers Development Agency(MFDA)Hill Area Development Programs were initiated during the Fifth Five YearPlan The plan covers 15 districts comprising all the hilly districts of Uttarakhand Mikir Hill and North Cachar hills of As In 1967 the Planning Commission of India identified 67 districts(entire or partly) of the country prone to droughtIn 1972 the Irrigation Commission introduced the criterion of 30% irrigated area and demarcated the drought prone areasIn 1970s the phrases such as redistribution with growth and growth and equitywere incorporated in the definition of developmentOver period of time the meaning of ‘Development’ did not remain restricted to ‘economic growth’ rather it also includes the issues such as improving the wellbeing and living standard of the people.

Regional Planning in India Although a few books dealing with some specialised aspects of regional planning have appeared in India there has been no systematic treatment of the subject from the 5/5 (2)ISBN 8170230586 9788170230588Authors Mahesh Chand VK PuriPublisher Allied Publishers 1983.
Regional Development and Planning in India – Geography and You
The initiation of regional planning in post independence India has to be placed in this context to understand the intricacies of the structure of the state the dominant group the capitalist production system and the people spread across regions of India Independent India began its journey under the rubric of a mixed economy.
Regional Planning Need, Importance & Implementation
Regional planning in India has been designed in such a way that it focuses on the overall development of the country It is also known as integrated regional planning (being done by NCU India Integration of Spatial and Economic Planning) and which refers to a plan that incorporates all development activities within a particular region Regional planning in India is a way to have a voice and influence at the national level.
Urban And Regional Planning Policy In India Wishwakarma R K Amazon Com Books
Geography India Regional Development
Regional Planning in India Mahesh Chand, V.K. Puri Google
Regional Planning in India ORF
The adoption of a regional approach to planning by many governments in the world has helped in reducing spatial inequalities in social economic and physical development India too began its journey and positive outcomes were derived in the early phases However the practice become unpopular over time ORF and GIZ are jointly organising a national Conference on “Regional Planning in India” to build greater knowledge on the quality of regional plans land use planning and management.