Sadahurip Garut. The Sadahurip Pyramid Garut Indonesia West Java Indonesia West Java has passed down through their folklore that the Egyptians once visited their island They even have a stone carving that supposedly depicts an Egyptian bowing down to an Indonesian The early presumption of a Pyramid existence in this country began with a series of.

Gunung Piramida Sadahurip berada di Desa Sadahurip Kecamatan Pangatikan berdampingan dengan Wanaraja Kabupaten Garut Selain gunung ini dikeramatkan oleh warga sekitar gunung yang terletak di sebelah Timur kampung Cicapar merupakan tempat berkebun atau bercocok tanam warga sekitar selain ramai dengan sebutan gunung piramida namun gunung ini mampu menarik perhatian para peneliti yang ada 5/5 (1)Brand Andi Astina.
Wisata Alam Gunung Piramida Sadahurip Garut
Wisata Alam Gunung Piramida Sadahurip Garut garutexpressid – Tak mau kalah dengan daerah lain yang ada di Jawa Barat Garut belum lama ini mempunyai destinasi wisata baru yang menarik untuk dikunjungi yakni Gunung Piramida Gunung Piramida sendiri merupakan salah satu gunung yang berbentuk segitiga mirip piramida yang ada di Garut.
Mount Sadahurip [Sadahurip Hill, Garut Pyramid (possible
Image Mount Sadahurip submitted by Andy B Pyramid shaped hill near Cicapar Sand Village Garut West Java Possible man made pyramid structure Mount Sadahurip dubbed the “Garut Pyramid” has been undergoing verification tests by the Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team to see if the mount is indeed a manmade (or partially manmade) structure.
Gunung Sadahurip, Piramida Tempat Wisata di Garut Andi Astina
A pyramid far older and larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza may have been discovered in Indonesia Mount Sadahurip in Garut West Java dubbed the “Garut Pyramid” has been undergoing verification tests by the Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Team to see if the mount is indeed based upon a manmade structure Author Chris Kaplan.
Jurnalis Temukan Pintu Piramid Garut Di Gunung Sadahurip
The Great Pyramid of Garut? Reality Sandwich
Indonesian Pyramids the Golden Age The key to of Civilization
Sadahurip Mountain in Garut West Java (Turangga Seta) VIVAnews Archaeologists are looking at Sadahurip Mountain in Garut West Java The great mystery awaits to be unveiled is it true that the mountain contains a huge pyramid of which size is more superior to Giza Pyramid in Egypt?.