Sap Certified Backup Solutions. SEP Backup and Disaster Recovery Software has been a certified solution for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) since version 7 released in 2001 This longlasting partnership has grown since its inception to provide the SUSE community a highperformance data protection solution for all SUSE environments including the latest releases of SLES and SUSE Enterprise.

Veeam® provides an SAPcertified backup and recovery solution called Veeam Plugin for SAP HANA This solution allows enterprise customers to seamlessly integrate native SAP HANA backint backups with the industryleading Veeam Backup & Replication™ Delight your SAP administrators by allowing them to back up their missioncritical and performancesensitive.
APEX AsaService Solutions for SAP Dell Technologies US
I understand that “SAP certified integration” designation is a technical statement on a solutionlevel (not a companylevel) and solutions listed in the SAP Certified Solution Directory are provided by Independent Software Vendors some of which may be SAP approved partners (Partner Finder)Endcustomers are recommended to do additional due diligence on the listed.
SAP Certified Backup Solutions SEP Software Backup
25 rowsGo to start of metadata Backint for SAP HANA is an API that enablesVENDORBACKUP TOOLINTEL SAP HANA 1POWER SAP HANA 10ActifioActifio VDPYesNoAllen SystemsASGTime NavigatorYesNoAlibaba Cloud CompApsara HBRYesNoAWSAWS Backint AgentYesNo.
Veeam's Latest Availability Suite Includes SAP Certified
With SEP sesam data is protected 24/7 and is always available SEP’s reliable backup solution offers numerous certifi cations for SAP environments and has been SAP Certifi ed since 2002 It is the only backup solution that protects SAP ASE (Sybase) and is certifi ed for SAP HANA 1 & 2 on Intel and IBM Power platforms as well as SAP NetWeaver.
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Veeam Software Releases SAPCertified Backup and Recovery
Becoming SAP certified backup solution 126 Views Last edit Feb 08 2021 at 0857 PM 2 rev Follow RSS Feed Hi There I am Product Manager with one of the reputed Cloud based backup company Here to explore partnership avenues with SAP in order to build a backup solution for SAP HANA/Oracle Need following information.