Spark Kudu. The KuduSpark integration is able to operate on secure Kudu clusters which have authentication and encryption enabled but the submitter of the Spark job must provide the proper credentials For Spark jobs using the default 'client' deploy mode the submitting user must have an active Kerberos ticket granted through kinit .

Kudu and Apache Spark can be primarily classified as “Big Data” tools “Realtime Analytics” is the top reason why over 2 developers like Kudu while over 45 developers mention “Opensource” as the leading cause for choosing Apache Spark Kudu and Apache Spark are both open source tools.
Kudu integration with Spark Cloudera
Include the kuduspark dependency using the packages option Use the kuduspark_210 artifact if using Spark with Scala 210 Note that Spark 1 is no longer supported in Kudu starting from version 160 So in order to use Spark 1 integrated with Kudu version 150 is the latest to go to.
Real Time Updates in Hadoop with Kudu, Big Data Journey Part 3
Spark is a processing engine running on top of Kudu allowing one to integrate various datasets whether they be on HDFS HBase Kudu or other storage engines into a single application providing a unified view of your data Spark SQL in particular nicely aligns with Kudu as Kudu tables already contain a stronglytyped relational data model.
Developing Applications With Apache Kudu 6.3.x Cloudera
The Kudu Spark integration is able to operate on secure Kudu clusters which have authentication and encryption enabled but the submitter of the Spark job must provide the proper credentials For Spark jobs using the default 'client' deploy mode the submitting user must have an active Kerberos ticket granted through kinit .
Part 2 Apache Kudu Extending The Capabilities Of Operational And Analytic Databases On Vimeo
Apache Spark differences? What are the Apache Kudu vs
Apache Kudu Developing Applications With Apache Kudu
with Apache Spark – Cloud Data on Apache Kudu Up and running
Using Spark with Apache Kudu If we now return to our Spark Consumer application we can build in our integration to Apache Kudu to start writing our ngram count data The Kudu developer docs give examples of how to integrate Kudu into a number of different technologies including Apache Spark.